It's funny how much can happen in one year.
People whose birthdays I celebrated with last year have come back around, even though it feels like it was only a few months ago.
A Halloween which was planned for weeks in advance last year, was a last minute job this year.
A weekend camping in the sunshine by the river, now a wet weekend painting my nails all pretty.
Never would I have guessed that in a years time, I would be living in Spain, learning Spanish and still teaching.
But it's different this time. The school is much better organised, and they make you feel valued. You are a priority and everything isn't immediately your fault.
This time two years ago, I was on the first tour of Taiwan, by train, going around the coast. I saw the ground on fire - a natural crack in the earth's crust causing a gas leak.
With still relatively no Chinese, clueless as to the treasures that Taiwan had to offer.
Halloween 2010 was a lot of fun. So was Halloween 2011, but during the time in between, I hadn't really progressed, and that the difference between Halloween 2011 and Halloween 2012 - I've done so much in one year, it's hard to believe how quickly time has passed!
And essentially, that's why I left Taiwan. As awesome as it was, for all the comfort and familiarity, I need more than the odd party now and then.
This last year has been full of ups and downs but I've been to 5 different countries, studied two diplomas, had lessons for three different languages, caught up with friends and seen every family member, which is no mean feat in itself.
It's been a wonderful adventure. When I look back to two years ago, I see a younger more naive version of myself. In two years time I hope I will think that I am naive now!